Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Newest Addition

On Monday, February 8th, at 12:45 a.m. our newest little addition made her appearance into the world! She weighed 8 pounds even and was 20 inches long. She is a joy to her mother (I don't think I have ever bonded with a baby quite like this one. She's a month old and still sleeping in my room--something I have NEVER done!) as well as the rest of the family. She'll be spoiled for sure!

When I downloaded the pictures, I forgot that you have to do them backwards, so the last picture should be the first.

Our Sweet Little Katherine Lea a.k.a. "Lady Kate"

Big Brother Tyler kissing Katherine :)

Daddy was weighing Katherine with my midwife Cathy in the front left, my mom looking next to Chad, and Cathy's daughter Lisa looking on in the background. I couldn't ask for a better midwife than Cathy. She delivered 6 of my 8 children, and I love her to pieces!

Katherine at less than 2 hours old


  1. She's beautiful Amanda. Congratulations. We share the same middle name ~ Lea. =-) So glad you were able to do home births. Something I wanted but God had other plans. GOd bless you all.

  2. Congratulations Amanda. She is beautiful. Isn't great when you bond so well with the little one? I had one like that too. Take care of yourself.


  3. what a precious wee babe - such a gift. :o)
    oh to be so blessed with many children. dear families we know just had their 8th and 10th. that's where i've long gotten my *fix* for a baby snuggle. waiting patiently for grandbabies. :o)



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