Saturday, May 2, 2009

Enjoying Spring

My goodness, life has been so busy lately; and I don't think that it is going to slow down at all until sometime mid-June. It's crazy the last couple of months of school with end of year programs, senior trip, our church's annual camp meeting, graduations, field trips, etc.

The week before we left for the senior trip was so busy. We had school programs the two Fridays before the Senior Trip, my mom and her husband were coming for a visit the Saturday before we left, and I had to have all 9 of us packed and ready to go Sunday morning when we left for church. Needless to say, it was a crazy week. However, on the Thursday before we left, the weather was so beautiful that the three children who were home with me decided that we would just leave everything until later and go enjoy the afternoon at the park.

Everyone at home, even the dog, went to the park. Derek started out riding his new little scooter.

The sky was just so beautiful that I had to capture it forever in my memory.

Notice Derek's scooter all folded up in the bottom of the stroller--his legs gave out after about 5 minutes! :) He insisted on pushing the stroller all by himself.

Tyler's first ride in a swing. Last summer he was just tiny.

Lauren enjoyed swinging so much.

After Daddy and the children arived home from school, we all went for a bike ride and ate at Dairy Queen. Here's Tyler and Derek in the little trailer.

Isn't he sooooo handsome?!

I have so many pictures to share and stories to tell. We have been living life to the fullest these last few weeks. Please be patient as I try to get back on track!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering about you. Nice to catch up a bit. :)


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