There are so many good things that happen in my daily life that are worth focusing on!
There are so many good things that happen in my daily life that are worth focusing on!
Sarah went through many things i.e. changes in her life. Through most of these events and changes, Sarah simply trusted God. At least, it would seem that she trusted God. Anytime Sarah tried to take matters into her own hands, though, she got into trouble.
I notice two things about the life of Sarah:
1. Sarah was obedient to Abraham. I cannot give you a simple chapter and verse for this, but over and over again we see Sarah simply doing what Abraham told her to do.
The day I was asked to speak about “Just When I Get Comfortable, My Life Changes,” I sat down and wrote out all of my major changes and figured out that since I have been married, my life has drastically changed every 7 and ½ months. I’m not sure how comfortable you can get in 7½ months, but I do tend to get pretty comfortable during the “down” times.
I wish that I could come up with some cute little plan for dealing with change. The truth is, I tried. I tried for two months to come up with a neat little outline about change. I even searched in my husband’s sermon folder. I came up empty. As far as I can see, there is really only one proper response to change: Acceptance.
Acceptance = To take or receive what is offered, with a consenting mind; to receive with approbation or favor.
Changes are going to happen in our lives. Many, many, many changes. What we do with that change or how we respond (answer) to that change will determine how God is able to use us. As Christians, we are the Bride of Christ. We women who are married know a little bit about being a bride. As wives, our husbands want to see us respond to them in a positive way – all the time – even if we “have a headache.” Of course, in every area, our husbands want us to respond to them properly. They desire a proper response from us because they are made in the image of God.
A year or so ago, I had a nice roast in the crockpot on Sunday morning. I had it all planned out. I was going to make a beautiful Sunday dinner, complete with mashed potatoes, carrots, gravy, salad, bread. It was going to be great! It happened to be the beginning of summer. When we came out of church that morning, the weather was beautiful, and my hubby decided that he wanted to find a little lake somewhere and take the children swimming. My mind, or rather my flesh, was telling me that the logical thing to do would be to stay home and eat the meal that I had so lovingly planned and prepared. I wanted to say, "We can't go to the lake until we have eating this nice meal that I have made." Instead, I said, "Okay, great. Let me just stop at the store real quick." I gathered some french bread, veggies and dip, chips, and juice and made roast beef sandwiches for a picnic. We had a fantastic time and everyone still remembers it fondly.
Likewise, when God allows changes to come into our lives, He is looking and longing for us to respond properly to those changes. The proper response is to accept the change and cling to the One who never changes. Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the LORD, I change not.”
We ladies tend to overcomplicate matters. We think that if life is simple then something must be wrong. The truth is that clinging to the One who never changes is quite simple. Think back to when you were dating your husband (if you’re married). What did you do?
You were clinging to that someone special. We need to cling to our God in much the same way:
Changes come into our lives so that God can change us into the ladies that He wants and needs for us to be. He does not send change to hurt us; He sends change to help us. God wants us to have a better Judgment Day when we get to Heaven. He knows that our flesh is weak and that by ourselves we cannot change into who he wants us to be.
Some of us might view change as trouble. Indeed, some of my changes in life were trouble: when my husband was nearly dying in the hospital, for example. In fact, about two weeks prior to my husband's illness, he preached a message in church entitled, "When Trouble Comes." While he was in an induced coma for 36 hours, his words were the ones that I clung to. My Heavenly Father had used my husband to prepare me for the huge change (known to me as trouble) that was about to enter my life. (Isn't God so good?) There are three things that trouble i.e. change does for us:
How are you, dear lady, responding to the change that God is allowing into your life? Are you accepting it? Or, are you allowing Satan to get a foothold in your life by rejecting it?
Meagan is well on her way in reading. She had reading homework tonight (as she usually does), and while I was listening to her, I thought some grandparents and friends might want to hear her read as well!
Chad was getting such a kick out of Derek eating his apple that he wanted me to take some video footage.
Overall, we had such an enjoyable day today. Chad was able to be home a little bit this evening to help out with the three extra children. I made applesauce for the first time ever, and it turned out so beautifully. I think that most of it is gone already. Maybe I'll buy some more apples at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. I sure am going to miss the Farmer's Market, but they are bringing it back for one day in November--the day before Thanksgiving so everyone can buy their veggies fresh! I think it's a wonderful idea. We found some lovely green onions and small carrots on Saturday. When I brought home the carrots, the kids washed them and ate them right down, begging me to send one in their lunch on Monday with the top still attached!
Tomorrow is Chad's birthday. Yeah!!!
Derek playing the new bowling game. Budge's just setting up the pins...again...and again...and again...and again!
Classic Meagan
While the s were playing Candy Land and the boys were bowling, Daddy was watching the Ohio State game and napping! What a life!